How do I change my password?

1.       Go to
2.       Log on by clicking the “login” link in the top right corner of the page
3.       Enter your dealer login and password
4.       In the dealer administration sidebar panel click the edit profile link
5.       Reset your password by entering your current password in the current passwords field.
6.       Enter your new password, confirm the password.
7.       Click the “save” button at the bottom of the page.

I forgot my password…Now what?

1.       Go to
2.       Log on by clicking the “login” link in the top right corner of the page
3.       Click the link "Request new password" located under  the password box.
4.       Enter your username or email account and click “email new password”.
5.       You will receive an email with a link with temporary password that must be used within the hour.
6.       Follow the link in the email and login with the temporary password.

What title should I use?

Your headline must immediately identify what you are selling.  You should emphasize what a buyer would be most interested in (designer, era, country of origin, use, history, etc.). Keep in mind title length has a maximum limit of 60 characters.
a.       Tell what it is
b.      If it’s a known designer put his/her name in the title
c.       Include periods or styles (art deco, modern design, fifties, etc).

How long should my description be?

There is no minimum length requirement for item descriptions. However, our analytics have shown that items with descriptions that are over 200 words sell 37% faster than their shorter description counterparts. With that in mind here are some things you should be including in your description.
DESCRIPTION COPY: More information to help him buy your products – Vital Information to make a sale.
a.       Rephrase your title in the first sentence
b.      Who designed it (if known)
c.       Who made it (and where it’s made)

What general tags should I Use?

General tags are used to help organize your items on General tags should include the designer, time period, design style, manufactures, etc. Please do not spam the general tags by adding irrelevant tags to try to gain more visibility on the website as this will be caught in the vetting process and we will yell at you for wasting both of our time.

What is gives its members access to the best 20th century art & design in the world. is a great destination for finding unique and rare art and design products, and is also a great information source to learn about the many designers, styles, and products of the 20th century. Whether you use this information to help educate yourself before purchases or looking for more research as a dealer, is your one stop destination for 20th century art & design.


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