Of course, I love everyhting to do with MODERNISM and Art Deco is a passion! So we've done a lot of work to promote the Argentina Art Deco Association and have worked closely with Adriana Piastrellini, President of AdbA to promote all things Art Deco!!! We are grateful to AdbA and the Argentine Consul General Mr. Marcelo Martin Giusto! MODERNISM.COM looks forward to promoting and working with Argentina to spread the word about the World Congress on Art Deco which will be in Buenos Aires in 2019!!!! BTW - Rosemary Krieger and Dolphin Promotions also received an award for their work with AdbA at the Miami Design + Antiques Show this year!!! Rosemary could not be there because she was in Chicago organizing for Dolphin's show there which starts today!
I need to speak to someone at modernism re bronze statue recently sold by s.keliam. Mine is similar to the bronze woman sitting in a bench but mine has a mandolin and is larger. Someone please call 305-992-3889. Betty
Querida Iza ha sido un verdadero gusto reunirme en MiAMI, en el Consulado Argentino, en presencia de nuestro distinguido Consul Gral. Marcelo Giusto y entregarte conjuntamente con él nuestra distincion. La que ha sido en agradecimeinto por tu apoyo en la difusion de las acciones de AdbA Art Deco Argentina y America y del Congreso mundial AdbA ICADS cuya terna hemos ganado para llevar a cabo en Argentina en el 2019. Este reconcimiento ha sido tambien por tu labor incansable en la recopilacion y relevamiento del patrimonio art deco como evaluador miembro de la Sociedad Internacional de Tasadores y haber logrado tu titulo de USPAP (Normas de Parcticas de Evaluacion Profesional) y por tu constante e incansable promocion del patrimonio en MODERNISM.COM
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