Walter Von Nessen (1889-1943) was born in Berlin, Germany. In 1925 he immigrated to the United States and opened Nessen Studios in New York City. At first he designed lighting and furniture for architects to use in their residential and public commissions. With the help of one craftsman he produced an amazing variety lighting fixtures, each showcasing innovative approaches and solutions to the requirements of the job.
His furniture and lighting work appeared in many of the seminal exhibitions of the late 1920’s and 1930’s. In 1929 he had a chair exhibited at The Metropolitan, New York and Newark, New Jersey Museum’s exhibition of tubular metal furniture. In 1930 he exhibited at the Third International Exhibition of Contemporary Industrial Design and in 1932 he was represented at the Design and Industry Exhibition. In 1937 he won a gold medal for his lighting exhibit at the Paris Exhibition. In 1935 his exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition of contemporary art cemented his position among the leaders of American commercial design.
Beginning in 1931 Von Nessen designed over 60 bowls, trays, bookends, shavers, pitchers, and a variety of other household products for The Chase Copper and Brass Company, Waterbury, Connecticut. Also, beginning in 1931 he designed lighting fixtures for The Efcolite Corporation, Trenton, New Jersey.
Walter Von Nessen died in 1943.