Antoine Durenne was a French cast iron and bronze foundry, active, especially in Paris, France, between 1847 and 1930 and noted especially for its ornamental ironwork and over-life size, iron, and bronze, cast animal sculpture groups, examples of which can be found in several UK historic parks and gardens. The Durenne firm was begun in 1847 when Antoine Durenne (born 1822, died 1895) purchased a small foundry near where he lived at Sommevoire, near the Val d'Osne works, Haute-Marne, France. In 1855 the first blast furnaces were installed. By the 1860s, numerous examples of bas-reliefs, fountains, statues and vases were being produced and the firm began exhibiting its wares at various exhibitions, for example the 1862 International Exhibition in Paris. By the 1870s the firm was also producing balconies, balustrades, fireplaces, lamp posts amongst its other castings. In 1888 the foundry acquired the address of S.A.d.F. du Val d'Osne, Paris, Rue du Faubourg Poissonniere, 26. It was listed on the Poissonniere from 1896 until 1911. At some point, prior to 1930, the foundry merged with another of similar size forming the Societe Anonyme des Establissements Metallurgiques A Durenne et du Val d'Osne. In 1969 it was bought out by the Societe Generale de Fonderie d'Hydraulique et de Mecanique (GHM) which today continues to produce works at Antoine Durenne's original Sommevoire foundry. Sources: Davis, John, Antique Garden Ornament (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1991) Further reading: Durenne, Antoine, Fonte de Fer. A Durenne, Maitre de Forges: Edition de 1877 (Serie F), illustrated catalogue (Paris, 1877)